Cute cheese shape! Miyama cheese series now in stock.

Product Introduction

It is finally the last Tuesday in May.
May is the closing month for Yamani, so it is a good time to look back at the year under review.
We would like to thank our many customers for their support during this financial year.
Thank you for all your support.

Now, new this week is Miyama’s CHEESE series, with its cute cheese shape.

This week’s recommendation: the Miyama cheese series.

深山 cheeseシリーズ

Mino ware in the shape of a cheese.
The design of the hole in the rim is well expressed.
This intricate modelling is unique to Miyama. It is as expected.

深山 cheeseシリーズ

The yellow colour, combined with the atmosphere of the glaze, expresses the cheesiness very well.

深山 cheeseシリーズ

Blue cheese is also well represented.

深山 cheeseシリーズ

The small plates are triangular, again with a great cheese-like design.
It would be a cute accent for the dining table.

List of new products

This week it was the Miyama cheese series.
In total, six new items have arrived.

Click here to order.

Please consider stocking up. Ordering is easy through our website!

Wholesale for oversea


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