How do you dispose of unwanted dishes that you no longer use? Many of you probably throw them out as non-burnable trash.
The tableware thus discarded is mainly disposed of as landfill waste, but in fact, this landfilled tableware does not return to the soil even after 1,000 years.
“I want to do something about this situation!”
“Re-tableware” was born from such thoughts of the producers in Higashi Mino, the production center of Mino ware.
What is ” Re- tableware” anyway?
Some people may think of used tableware from the word “Re- tableware”. However, this “Re- tableware” is not used tableware that has been used by someone else.
Unwanted or used tableware is collected, crushed, mixed with ceramic clay, formed, fired, and upcycled into new tableware. Recycled ceramic clay tableware might be easier to understand. In recent years, it has attracted attention as SDGs-related tableware.
The process of rebirth as “Re-tableware”
In six main processes, unwanted tableware is transformed into new tableware as Re-tableware.
①Collects used dishware from homes, restaurants, cafes, etc.
Holding collection events with cooperating municipalities and civic groups.
②Crushed in a tableware grinder until less than 1 mm.
The collected unwanted tableware is crushed in a tableware grinder until the particles are less than one millimeter in size.
③The clay is mixed with clay at a ratio of 20% or 50% and recycled into clay for making ceramics and pottery.
Two types are available: Re-20, which contains 20% crushed unwanted dishes, and Re-50, which contains 50% crushed dishes.
④After kneading recycled clay, tableware and other items are formed and fired by potter’s wheel or casting.
The crushed tableware goes through molding and firing, and then back into…
⑤Commercialized and sold as “Re-tableware”
It is transformed into eco-friendly tableware that makes everyday life just a little bit happier.
⑥Used as an ecological vessel, and then again to the process of ①…
Re-Tableware and GL21 (Green Life 21 Project)
In order to realize the recycling of tableware, a series of companies must come together to collect and transport unwanted tableware, grind it into resources, make clay, create tableware, and distribute it wholesale.
In Mino, which produces approximately 60% of Japan’s total pottery, the “GL21 (Green Life 21 Project)” was established in 1997 by related companies and testing and research institutes.
We are working to recycle and recycle ceramic tableware.
Re-Tableware is a “vessel” created by diverse companies and organizations from different industries, each playing their own role.
Is “Re-tableware” really eco-friendly?
Through the “GL21 (Green Life 21 Project)” activities, broken and unwanted tableware, which until now could only be disposed of as unburnable waste in landfills, can now be reused.
This reduces the amount of waste. In addition, by reusing discarded tableware as ceramic clay, the limited and precious natural resource of clay can be conserved.
And since ceramics made from recycled raw materials can be fired at lower temperatures, they have the added benefit of saving energy.(Re-50)
記事:岐阜・美濃焼、粘土枯渇の危機 新たな採掘地探る(日本経済新聞・有料記事)
What We Want to Communicate from the Mino Ceramic Ware Production Area.
Re-tableware was developed as a way for the industry, which makes a lot of dishes, to make a shift toward something a little more environmentally friendly as a region.
Not only for use as tableware, but also for conversation between parents and children, for example.
“This is the idea behind this tableware.”
and think about it.
We would be very happy if “Re-tableware” could be used as an opportunity for such food education.
And to continue to use precious resources with care…
Through “Re-Dishware”, we hope that everyone will take an interest in the environment and the future of the earth, and start working on it step by step, starting with what they can do…This is our wish.
Yamani’s “Re-tableware” lineup
expression of gratitude:
We thank Ichihara porcelain factory and Yamaka porcelain factory for their cooperation.