The long-awaited GW has gone in the blink of an eye. Once it’s over, it’s over fast.
There were huge crowds in all the tourist destinations.
I wonder if this year’s GW finally returned to the momentum it had before the outbreak of infectious diseases.
Now, we recommend this week’s new product, the Shinzangama Yamatsu Frustum teacup, thin black.
A new colour for the popular Frustum!
This week’s recommendation: Shinzangama Yamatsu Frustum teacup, Usu Sumi (thin black).
As the name suggests, the light grey ‘Usu Sumi’ is a new arrival.
It is a gentle colour with a Japanese feel.
Frustum is a tea ware whose design has been refined for modern life in order to rediscover the goodness of tea.
The conical shape of the teacup gives it an easy-to-hold feel. The shape of the teacups, which are slightly squeezed towards the mouth, naturally brings the mouth and nose closer together than before, making it possible to enjoy the aroma more than before.
There are others.
The Classico series from Marusan Kondo (M-mode) has also arrived this week.
Click here to order.
Please consider stocking up. Ordering is easy through our website!
Aside / April review
We look back at April now that it has come to an end.
April is spring break time.
Every year, part-timers’ children come to work with us and we enjoy taking photos for Instagram together.
The cherry trees have bloomed beautifully again this year.
No flower viewing was held in Yamani this year.
We would like to hold a consolation party in May, the closing month, instead.
A curtain has been installed at the entrance to the Yamani.
It needs improvement as it flutters in the wind and turns inside out.
Chawan-ya Mizunami, a shop where you can buy Mino ware in Mizunami City, celebrated its 7th anniversary and held an anniversary festival.
This was the first time we were able to open a stall. Thank you to everyone who visited the shop.